

TGIF everyone, prepare for cold conditions to carry us into the weekend with rain chances on Sunday

We have a second area of low pressure moving in this weekend bringing low snow levels.
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BAKERSFIELD, Calif (KERO) — TGIF Kern County, as the trough that brought rain to the area has moved out.

A ridge has set up and is providing a couple days of stable weather before we head into the next storm system coming in.

The storm system coming in will be colder than the previous one, and looks to impact the area Saturday morning through Sunday morning.

Much of the snow is anticipated to fall Saturday morning through Saturday night. Snow levels will begin at 4,000 feet and drop to around 2,500 feet by Sunday morning.

Our forecast high in Bakersfield is 54 degrees with lows in the low forties.

Stay warm and have a great day.

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