

Near record heat Monday, big cooldown soon

Temperatures will fall around 25° between Monday and Thursday

Monday was a scorcher!

Bakersfield hit 107°, one degree below the daily record high set back in 2021.

Fortunately, much cooler weather is on the way.

We've already got the chance to break our 6 day stretch of triple digits on Tuesday, with a forecast high of 98°.

Temperatures will fall dramatically from there, though, as a low pressure system and it's associated cold front push much more comfortable air into the Central Valley.

The forecast high for Bakersfield is only 84° on Thursday, a drop of nearly 25°!

Mountain areas will be as cool as the 60s Thursday!

While this cooldown will mean comfortable weather for us in the Valley, we'll likely have to deal with gusty winds in the mountains and desert.

Still better than triple digits if you ask me!

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