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Monterey couple and dog rescued from flood by helicopter

Monterey couple rescued from flood by helicopter

MONTEREY, Calif. (KERO) — A stunning rescue took place in Monterey on Mon, Jan 9. A couple and their dog were saved by Coast Guard members as flood waters surrounded their home.

David Fraser and Jeannie Pepple had to be rescued when their house became an island in the flooded Arroyo Seco River. Just as the couple was getting ready to evacuate the area, a footbridge was wiped out by a huge tree, leaving them trapped.

"When I woke up in the morning, the water was probably four feet lower than when all this happened and I told my wife we better get ready," explained Fraser. "We started packing and getting ready and we were looking out the window and then we saw the bridge go. When that bridge went, there was no way out."

Emergency crews including Search and Rescue responded and determined a helicopter rescue was the best option, as entering the river was just too dangerous.

The river flow in the area is just shy of breaking records for a new peak. Residents say they have never seen anything like it.