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California woman finds kidney donor on TikTok

California woman finds kidney donor on TikTok

(KERO) — A California woman found the person who could save her life after she was diagnosed with stage five chronic kidney disease. It started with a video posted on TikTok.

That’s where Rubi Duran decided to share her survival struggles after being diagnosed. With that video, she was able to find the one person that could save her life. Sandra Leon reached out and offered to be her donor.

“I messaged her and asked her if she had found a donor. I would scroll through her comments. I saw that a lot of people were commenting and I remember when I reached out to her she told me she hadn't found anybody so I let her know I was already in the process and I would talk to my coordinator," said Leon.

With the same blood type and being similar in age, they became a perfect match.

"I don't know how to explain it I know she is my soulmate," said Duran.