TEHACHAPI, Calif. — The Tehachapi Unified School District is discussing its plans for the upcoming year.
No major decisions were made during Tuesday night's TUSD board meeting which was held over Zoom. Instead, it was a discussion about what the school year might look like as we get closer to the first day back. Board members went over different options, but teachers and parents say they want answers now because school is starting soon.
In an effort to figure out what the district's families want, about 1,400 parents were surveyed.
"38 percent of the parents who responded are parents of elementary students, 10 percent were middle school parents, 21 percent were high school parents, And 31 percent of the parents responding were parents who had students from across multiple grade spans," said Stacey Everson-Larson, the superintendent for the district.
Everson-Larson said fewer students would need to be in class at a time in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. The board discussed 3 different learning models, including virtual learning, blended learning, and independent home education.
The most popular response to the survey was a model where students would attend school two days a week and then have distance learning three days a week. The second-highest response was a plan where students would meet four days a week.
School starts August 12 for the district, and the board's next meeting is scheduled the day before that.