KERNVILLE, Calif. (KERO) — For over 20 years, the Kern Valley Astronomy Club has their shared galactic passions with anyone and everyone.
- The club formed in 2002
- You can find their website here
- The club holds free monthly star parties for the community
“This telescope was designed by Isaac Newton, his idea was the mirror, he was the one who ground the mirror and figured out the optics on this type of telescope,” said Rich Burdge, Co-Founder and current member of the Kern Valley Astronomy Club.
Burdge is teaching me about telescopes and astronomy as he sets up for the Kern Valley Astronomy Club's monthly star party at the Kern Valley Airport and his enthusiasm is infectious.
“This is one of the handiest tools right here, for astronomy, or any backyard stargazer, is a pair of binoculars.”
His passion for gazing at the sky started in 1998 on a camping trip .
“I couldn’t believe that you could see the things from our backyard.”
He started the club in 2002, and has become a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
“I like sharing it with people, that’s why we hold these public star parties, it’s just the passion we have to share this hobby.”
All are welcome to come – Resident Tom Taylor has been coming for almost two years and doesn’t have a telescope of his own.
“Once I came out it was so interesting, it was like a learning experience. It was free, you meet a lot of people, and you just sit out and look at the stars all night,” Tom Taylor said.
As the sun set, more and more stars became visible. While it didn’t compare to what I saw through the telescope, I was able to capture photos showing some stars using a long exposure.
Dark skies are preferable for these types of nights, and Burdge says the KRV is one of the best places in America for stargazing.
“You can’t beat the night sky above the Kern River Valley, it is just beautifully dark.”
A father and daughter came to the star party after the sun was set, and giving the daughter her first look at several astronomical wonders.
“In your eyes what does it take to be an astronomer?” I asked.
“Just a love of the night sky, being outside when it’s dark. I enjoy the splendor of the object.”
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