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Hobmann's Haunts: Kern County Museum

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BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — “Do you hear that?”

“See what I mean? So it was there… oh wait. What is that?

“That didn’t sound like it was outside.”

Those were just a few of the eerie moments ghost hunter Missy Bennett and 23ABC experienced at the Hotel Fellows inside the Kern County Museum’s Pioneer Village. It is an original building from the 19th century, so it has hosted many guests, and some never left.

“There was a suspicious death in 1926 of a man named William Hart. The first article that I discovered said that the coroner didn’t even want to produce a death certificate because he couldn’t identify a cause of death," said Missy.

First we used an electromagnetic field detector to pick up any supernatural energy, and it did go off in unexpected places.

Missy said it was most likely electricity in the building setting off the device, but the inconsistency was a bit unusual.

“If it was electrical it would stay, you know, the electricity doesn’t change. It’s still there," said Missy.

Then we went upstairs. The museum tells us no one has been inside one of the bedrooms before, but they opened it for us.

Missy used a spirit box, a device that creates white noise.

“When or if it works, instead of just hearing the static and the scanning through the stations, you'll actually hear words come out like someone is trying to respond to your questions.”

And we did. We heard it on the balcony too.

We were never able to decipher what was being said though.

We set up cameras too but nothing was recorded that night. Missy deems the investigation inconclusive.

“You can't necessarily put any weight on the fact that it might've been paranormal. We always want it to be. Like we wish so much that it is, but whenever there’s another explanation that's logical, you have to go with that logical explanation," said Missy.

So what do you think? Can it all be explained away logically? Or do you think there could be something more?

Tune in next week for the final story in our "Hobmann’s Haunts" series.