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Be prepared for slick roads in Kern County, throughout California


KERN COUNTY, Calif. (KERO) — Heavy rain is expected for Monday and for those drivers heading out on long trips and major highways, there's a lot to remember on the roads.

With heavy rain comes dangerous road conditions and out on Hwy. 99 drivers should be prepared for slick roads and chances of hydroplaning.

Especially with the oil accumulation from this summer and ponding on the roads, vehicles are more likely to spin out if not you're careful. If you do spin out, make sure to turn into the spin and pump your breaks.

Now if you plan to head up Hwy. 178 through the canyon, make sure to lookout for rock slides. With the drought-ridden hydrophobic soil, you're likely to see heavy rocks falling.

Now for all drivers in general Monday, make sure to slow down and give yourself plenty of space in between other vehicles.

If you get caught in the rain, keep your wipers and headlights on and should you need to pull over to the side of the road keep those headlights and emergency lights on.
In the past we've seen these conditions close down major roads and highways for several days.

As of early Monday morning, there are no major road closures in effect but we'll continue to monitor these conditions and bring you the latest reports.

The city of Bakersfield is also making sure residents are prepared for the storm.

The city posted on Facebook, reminding people on how to report any damage they come across. For an emergency make sure you call 911.

For things like downed trees, traffic signal outages, or a blocked storm drain, you can report it through the city's app or click here.

The Red Cross is giving suggestions to be ready... For the possibility of flash flooding.

Be prepared to have to leave quickly, know your routes, and where you can go.

Check your emergency kit, fill up your car's gas tank, and bring outdoor furniture inside. And, if you have time, unplug small appliances to reduce potential damage from power surges.

For more information, click here.