BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — Members of the Quailwood community met Monday with local leaders and law enforcement to discuss public safety after a shootout stunned the neighborhood over the weekend.
The point of the meeting was for local law enforcement to touch base with residents about the shooting, and to organize a neighborhood watch after the shooting rattled the quiet community.
"I'm still shaken from it and I'm not completely, I don't even know how to put it, it's almost like a low dose of PTSD. It's very frightening," said Quailwood resident Patty Parada.
Very frightening is how most at Monday's neighborhood meeting at Quailwood Elementary would describe Saturday night, during an apparent shootout at a party on Remington Avenue.
"Felt like I was in a war zone. It sounded like I was in a war zone. It just continued and I think that's why I still feel a little traumatized by it," Parada said.
Bakersfield police chief Lyle Martin provided residents with new information at the meeting, confirming two suspects were arrested Monday in connection with the shooting, and several more warrants have been issued.
"From the information that we have we believe this is gang involved," Martin said.
The police chief says two guns were found at the scene, one inside a house and one inside a stopped car..
"When you have multiple people who have zero regard for human life that they're willing to fire indiscriminately into a neighborhood, in to the blind in the dark, that is disturbing. And we won't stand for it," he said.
As police continue to investigate, BPD is encouraging the community of Quailwood to look into starting a community watch program. Some residents offered to step up and take the lead, like Anna Laven.
"I think us being able to come together to say that we are fearful, to say that this was super scary, and to say we as a community are committed to each other's safety, I mean you really can't put a price tag on that process," Laven said.
"There's children, there's elderly people. I care about everybody there, so yes, I definitely want to be a part of the neighborhood watch," Parada said.
Monday's meeting was organized by Bakersfield city council member Andrae Gonzalez. The Bakersfield Police Department says they've were providing additional patrols in the Quailwood area on Monday.