BAKERSFIELD, CA. — The Bakersfield Police Department is hiring for police trainees until December 3rd. According to Hiring Officer Melendez, honesty is the biggest characteristic that helps candidates stand out.
“We’re really just looking for people that are of good moral character. We can teach people how to be police officers and we can teach fitness, but it’s hard to teach people how to be morally and ethically sound so those are the people we are looking for," said Melendez.
The lengthy application process includes a physical agility test and a reading comprehension test.
“One is a body drag of a 160-pound-dummy for 32 feet, simulating an officer being down and having to move him to rescue. There’s also a 99-yard-obstacle course which is similar to chasing someone in a parking lot”
To apply, visit their website.
The next information session is on Wednesday, November 20.