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Bakersfield City Council considering ways to use American Rescue Plan funds


BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — The Bakersfield City Council is beginning to kick around some ideas about what to do with $94 million it received from the "American Rescue Plan."

Staff have submitted proposals about some of the issues to address like affordable housing, homelessness, and public health. Those are getting top priority right now.

The money is given out in two payments and the city has already received the first payment and the second one will be given out within a year. The city must use that money by the end of the 2024.

"In East Bakersfield the neighborhoods are far too dark. Many of these neighborhoods were built before the city developed its standards for neighborhood lighting. In new developments on the westside neighborhoods are pretty well lit but if you go into east Bakersfield theres a significant issue and so its important for us now to enhance streetlighting," said Councilmember Andrae Gonzalez.

This is just the preliminary plan for the funds and changes are to be expected once the U.S. Treasury releases final guidelines.