- In this video, Clarence "Pencilman' Pointer talks about his drawing of Rosa Parks.
- Clarence Pointer produced drawings of Barack Obama, Bo Jackson and Kathleen Bradley, who played Miss Parker in the movie "Friday."
He's known as the Pencilman... and it's evident the minute you see his work.
He creates art... with his pencil... and it's on display through the end of black history month.

"Well, first of all, the Rosa Parks drawing will never be outdone by anything else. Monetarily speaking, yes. But eventful-wise, nothing is going to touch that," Clarence Pointer said.
Pointer, an Air Force veteran, said he was asked to draw Rosa Parks in 1993 when she visited Edwards Air Force Base.
"That was my first major presentation. From there, it sky-rocketed after that," Pointer said.
Now, several celebrities call him... the Pencilman.
He has drawings of Barack Obama, Bo Jackson, and Kathleen Bradley... who played Miss Parker in the movie Friday.
She signed copies for charity.
Video of Kathleen: "Hi boys."
And, the Pencilman has a thank you letter from President Obama.
Pointer recently spoke during a Black History Month event at the Cal City Arts and Community Center where his art is displayed.
"My main thing is to convey a message, especially to the youth, and whoever else really, that dreams are our dreams, not anyone else's dreams, to conquer. At the end of the day, we're in charge of our destiny," Pointer said.
Me asking: When you think about your dad, what are some of the thoughts that come to mind as far as him being the pencilman?
"It's exhilarating at times because I grew up around the art all the time. So it's something I always looked at, growing up and seeing other people around the world react to the art is something inspirational, and seeing it grow over the years has been an honor," said Elijah Pointer, the Pencilman's son.

"The first time I have seen the pieces, oh I gotta get that in my artwork," said Salena Coleman, vice president of the Cal City Arts Commission
The Pencilman started drawing at age 4 and has never stopped.
"I always find myself with a pencil in my hand at the end of the day because I love what I do," he said.
You can keep up to date with the Pencilman at his websiteor his instagram.
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