CALIFORNIA CITY, Calif. (KERO) — California City no longer has acting city manager; brings aboard Christoper Lopez on a three-year contract. There has been great turnover at the job position.
For over the past three years it's a job that hasn't had stability. I'm Steve Virgen, your neighborhood reporter. In California City, there was so much turnover the city manager position became a joke. But now there's no laughing matter.
Christopher Lopez is the latest city manager for California City, taking over recently. He comes from Livingston in Merced county where he also served as city manager. He knows things are tough in Cal city.
“And I’m a firm believer that just because the city has challenges that doesn’t mean the people don’t deserve a good city manager. And so I was up for the challenge. I felt it would be a good fit for me to address those challenges. I went through the process and here I am,” Lopez says.
Lopez is Cal City’s eighth city manager in the past three years. At one point there had been six city managers within two years. Latisha Lamberth held the position as acting city manager for the past year.
“I’m looking forward to working with all members of the community, residences and businesses, to really bring back trust to the California City government,” Lopez says.
The 40-year-old Lopez has a myriad of issues to deal with, including water, roads and continuous budget constraints. He’s on board with a three-year contract, Mayor Marquette Hawkins tells me.
“I think one of the issues that has been going on for decades is the city’s budget. And I think that’s one of the biggest challenges as well as an opportunity for the community," Lopez says.
Mayor Hawkins believes Lopez is the man for the job.
“There’s an element that he’s bringing that he’s already in just the short time he’s been here he has changed the culture in the office and he’s continuing to do that. It’s good to see that and good to see staff responding to that,” Hawkins says.
I'm Steve Virgen, your neighborhood reporter.
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