BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — This second walkout brought students from East High, Mira Monte, Del Oro, and BHS. Walking miles from their schools to city hall to speak up for their rights to free education.
- Compared to the February 12 walkout, there was a significant decrease in student participation, however, their mission remained the same.
- Their protests come after Presidents Trump’s remarks to end federal aid.
All four schools later met at the courthouse in Downtown to share their message some more.
The March 3 student walk out brought students from East High, Mira Monte, Del Oro, and BHS.
All advocating for the same cause of free education for everyone.
Hector Hernandez, one of the many who organized the walkout, says though the turnout was smaller than the first walkout on February 12, their efforts are just as powerful.
“We protested the first time, there was no changes in our statements,” said Hernandez. “So, we’re here to stand again that we are here and we’re still listening and seeing what’s happening.”
However, gaining support went beyond just their peers, his father, Hector Hernandez Sr., met students halfway to provide essentials.
“If we don’t educate our youth, we don’t improve their lives, their education, how to make changes in the system, we’re gonna be pushed back instead of moving forward,” said Hernandez.
Passerby's on the streets also stopped in support, community member Melva Williams says the sight of these students made her feel proud of her community.
“I hope they get what they’re out here protesting for and I support them 100%,” said Williams.
Another student tells me not only is she fighting for her right to education, but for the well-being of the undocumented population.
“Maybe my parents wont be able to come home, I don’t know maybe myself wont be able to come home one day or whatever,” said Annia Garcia. “So yeah, I’m trying to make a change for those who are scared because it’s not only me because if I’m scared as a young person imagine those who actually go out and work.”
As the future under the Trump administration remains unclear, students say they wont stop protesting anytime soon until big changes are made.
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