BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — 23ABC estimates over 1,000 people gathered at the Kern County Superior Courthouse on Wednesday to protest various immigration and education policies under the Trump Administration.
Kern High School District students from schools like Mira Monte, Del Oro, and West High Schools, to name a few, walked out of class on Wednesday morning to make the trek together to the protest.
In a statement to parents on Tuesday night, the Kern High School District notified parents that it was aware of the protest and sent out this message:
"In the event of a walkout, we want to maintain a safe environment for the students exiting and for those who remain in class to receive instruction.
If a walkout occurs, school administrators will work with district staff to ensure that the walkout is carried out in an organized and safe manner. Students who miss class will be addressed through the district attendance policies."
23ABC spoke to many of the protesters who said they came out to protest because the message behind it, hits close to home.
"My parents are from Mexico and I dont feel like it's right sending them back when they're just here to work hard for me," said Giselle Luevano.
"It's in my roots, I feel it's important to support our people no matter from where. It shows how much of an impact that we could have on our people and our community," said Eduardo Europa.
While there were some adults on hand at the height of the demonstration and throughout the afternoon, the bulk of those protesting were high schoolers, for some on hand, it signified the power that young members of Kern County have.
"I feel like it was good that Bakersfield was able to put this together," said Annamarie Meza.
"It really shows that we as younger people can be educated and have our own opinion on things that are going on in the world," said Israel Fierros.
"And I think that it's very powerful to see the younger population get so grouped up and really join a team on this and show that we have power," said Bradley Whittington.
The message that one student hopes people take away from the demonstration?
"I think the message here is to let us be free, everyone is equal, I dont see the difference. We're all humans," said Perla Medina.
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