NewsLocal NewsIn Your NeighborhoodArvin / Lamont


Arvin city council meeting canceled, mayor holds informal meeting with residents

The absence of key council members led to the cancellation of a crucial meeting in Arvin, frustrating residents eager to discuss important issues.

ARVIN, Calif. (KERO) — Arvin’s City Council Meeting on Tuesday was canceled for the lack of quorum. This action left several residents and vendors upset and others questioning the accountability of the absent members.

    • Arvin City Council meeting canceled due to lack of quorum with only two members present.
    • Mayor Olivia Calderon and Councilman Jaime Perez attended, but others were absent for health reasons.
    • Key agenda items included discussion of the Grand Jury Report, which was not covered.
    • Mayor Calderon emphasized the importance of council members being present to address community issues.
    • Residents expressed frustration over the cancellation, but city officials took time to hear public concerns.

    For your convenience, the skimmable summary above is generated with the assistance of AI and fact checked by our team prior to publication. Read the full story as originally reported below.


    What was supposed to be a city council meeting in Arvin turned into something else. The meeting was canceled because of a lack of a quorum. But that didn't stop the mayor from holding a meeting of her own.

    Several Arvin residents gathered at the city chambers to attend what was supposed to be a city council meeting with a heavy agenda. On the agenda, were important items including the discussion of the Arvin Grand Jury Report that was released almost two weeks ago. However, that item as well as others listed were not discussed as only two council members were present—Mayor Olivia Calderon and Councilman Jaime Perez.

    "I want to apologize on behalf of my colleagues that today’s meeting will be canceled for lack of quorum," said Arvin Mayor Olivia Calderon.

    With the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Susana Reyes and Councilman Donny Horton, the meeting was automatically canceled.

    "I know a lot of folks showed up and so we canceled the meeting—the meeting did not happen—but what we did do was give our residents the courtesy of being able to hear from them, so we just had an informal discussion," said Calderon.

    Upon canceling the meeting, some vendors expressed their frustration with the city and the absent council members.

    "I really don't want to say anything that's going to hurt this partnership and I understand exactly what you're trying to push, I get it, I mean they should've been here," said Raul Barraza with the Arvin Community Service District.

    Also frustrated with them, was Councilman Perez, claiming that time sensitive issues were going to be delayed.

    "If they don’t want to do their job, I do believe we could all recall," said Councilman Jaime Perez. "They’re not willing to sit up here, I think it’s in our city’s best interest to start a process like that."

    But according to the absent members—Mayor ProTem Reyes and Councilman Horton— they both emailed the City Manager and the City Clerk that they would be absent in advance for personal reasons.

    "My family emergency that I was dealing with was weaponized against me now just to get her own agenda pushed through. There’s been talk about recalling Reyes and myself since before she was even elected and I just feel like last night was a tactic in getting that going," said Councilman Horton.

    "If my family and my grandkids need me and I’m not feeling well, then you know what, I’m not going to be there for my own well being because at the end of the day if I’m not feeling well then I can’t give my all and my 100 percent—my 110 percent to the City of Arvin," said Mayor Pro Tem Reyes.

    However, Mayor Olivia Calderon said city council members need to be present at council meetings to address time sensitive issues including the grand jury report.

    "We are public elected officials. The community voted for us to represent the community and to do the people’s business and that means we show up, even when it is uncomfortable," said Calderon.

    As a result, the items on the agenda will be pushed to the next council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th.

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