New numbers from the Kern County Public Health Department showing another spike in COVID-19 cases.
Public health officials confirmed 65 new cases this morning bringing the total to 3,975. The death toll remains the same at 60 people.
More than 2,600 people have recovered and more than 44,000 tests have come back negative.
Monday morning public health addressed the graduations going on within the kern high school district this week saying the ceremonies go against the advice of the health department.
"Our advice is of course to do everything possible to protect our community. It's a time to celebrate, and although we might be able to separate during a ceremony, people are anxious to get together and hug each other," said Kern County Health Director Matt Constantine.
"Our advice is to do everything possible to keep those gatherings down, whether postpone them, cancel them for this point, or do them virtually as we do a lot of our meetings now. There are other ways to do it."
In addition, Constantine addressed the recent mandate from Governor Gavin Newsom requiring the wearing of masks in public and how the department of health would address the situation.
"If we need to help focus some of our efforts, our education and our awareness in certain areas we would be happy to do that as we have from day one. This is a new requirement, it's going to take some getting used to."