BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — The Rosedale Union School District is giving families options on how their children will be learning in the fall. Families will three options during the 2020 school year.
Families will be able to choose between traditional learning distance learning or a combination of the other two.
"The survey was intended to give families a voice as the Rosedale Union School District develops planning considerations for the 2020-2021 school year. There were nearly 3,000 survey responses," said a statement released by the district.
According to the district, it conducted a survey back in May. Of those responding, 68 percent wanted traditional learning, 24 percent wanted a blended model and 8 percent wanted to continue with distance learning. The school district plans on reopening with a traditional model starting August 13th.
"Our district’s preferred learning model aligns with the majority who have selected a traditional model and we are planning our August 13th opening with that model as our priority. We believe coming to school every day, participation in school activities, having social interactions with peers, and creating meaningful connections with teachers and staff optimizes student's success, academically and socially-emotionally."
However, due to the uncertainty and concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the district plans to be flexible and allow for parental choice.
The district plans on releasing more information in the coming weeks.