TEHACHAPI, Calif. (KERO) — The City of Tehachapi is helping the Rotary Club of Tehachapi with their Twelve Days of Christmas food drive for senior citizens.
Tehachapi City Hall is one of several drop-off sites for non-perishable food items through Dec. 14.
More than 100 boxes filled with food were donated last year.
“We are so blessed to have a group like our Rotarians who are reaching out to our senior community. It just makes me feel warm inside to see a sincere need being filled with love and compassion during the holiday season,” said Tehachapi City Councilmember Christina Scrivner, in a press release.
The Rotary Club created a 12-day plan to make it easy for people to donate what they can. They have provided a list of 24 food items, two items each day that they would like to put in each box to a Tehachapi senior.

Food items can be dropped off from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday at Tehachapi City Hall, 115 S. Robinson St.
Other drop-off sites include the Loop Newspaper and the Tehachapi News offices.
Monetary donations can be sent to Tehachapi Rotary Club, PO Box 897, Tehachapi Ca. 93581.
For more information, email Judy at the Rotary Club of Tehachapi at jetrujillo@earthlink.net or call 562-900-1696.
The City of Tehachapi is also a drop-off site for new unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots through Dec. 9th.